Functional Breathing & Integrative Wellness for Asthma, Sleep Apnoea & Anxiety

Achieve your optimal health potential through naturopathic approach for asthma and other respiratory symptoms using proven holistic methods.

Functional Breathing Package

Retrain Your Brain & Learn how to Manage Respiratory Symptoms in just 4 Sessions.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is an integral part of the Oxygen Revolution naturopathic program.

Asthma, Anxiety & Sleep Apnoea

Retrain The Brain

Correct The Chemisty In The Body

Achieve Health On The Cellular Level

At Oxygen Revolution

We educate and empower individuals with asthma and other respiratory conditions to achieve their optimal health potential, through practical tools and proven holistic methods.

Our Signature Program offers a combination of Functional Breathing, Naturopathic & Herbal Medicine to help you:

  • Manage asthma, anxiety, & sleep apnoea
  • Retrain the brain
  • Correct the chemistry in the body
  • Achieve health on the cellular level
  • Get to the root cause of your health condition

Our Goal

Is to help you breathe with ease, manage & reduce your respiratory symptoms, get better sleep, and have more energy and vitality to achieve the goals and dreams you have in life.

We can work alongside your medical doctor to provide holistic solutions that support your regular medical program, or provide a total solution that supports you naturally.

Can Oxygen Revolution’s Functional Breathing Program Help Me with Asthma, Sleep Apnoea or Anxiety?

About Me

Hi I’m Julia Rudakova, Naturopath, Functional Breathing Specialist & Founder of Oxygen Revolution in Melbourne, Australia. 

After experiencing bronchitis and a myriad of health problems from my teenage years until the birth of my first son, I became fascinated with the role natural & herbal medicine played in my own healing as well as that of many others.

My 2nd son developed asthma at the age of 2. While searching for solutions that could support him, I came across a method of functional breathing called Buteyko Breathing. One day while he was having an asthma attack, I walked him through the exercises and within 10 minutes he had colour in his face and could get up and walk. That’s when I knew I had to integrate functional breathing within my naturopathic practice.

What My Clients Say

“I initially went to see Julia due to feeling generally unwell and fatigued. After some recommended blood tests, Julia supported the results with a comprehensive treatment plan of herbal medicine and The Oxygen Revolution program.
Fast forward to today and not only has Julia re-educated me on how to breathe properly – I am sleeping so much better, my energy levels have picked up and my digestion and inflammation are now under control.

Julia put me at ease from the moment I consulted with her. Her knowledge is vast, she is compassionate and she listens. I would highly recommend Julia to all.”



Julia explained the Buteyko technique proficiently and answered our questions clearly thus giving us a greater understanding of the benefits of breathing correctly.

She communicated well with our son who has improved his sleeping and breathing as a result of doing the breathing exercises. She included us (the parents) in the appointments and discussions, so we were also able to benefit from the techniques used. We highly recommend Julia’s Functional Breathing Program to improve your life.”
Jenny Phillips


Functional Breathing Package

Retrain Your Brain & Learn how to Manage Respiratory Symptoms in just 4 Sessions.

Our Signature Functional Breathing Program includes:

  • A comprehensive 90 min naturopathic assessment
  • 4 sessions to help you breathe easier, manage & reduce symptoms, and increase energy and vitality
  • Personalised Herbal & Nutritional Support



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