Oxygen Revolution Presents a FREE Asthma Education Webinar Series
How to Effectively Manage Asthma & Take Charge of Your Health WATCH NOWDid you know 1 in 9 Australians are affected by Asthma?
That’s 2.7 million people in this country alone!
And yet… the best solution the mainstream medical industry has come up with is medication to manage symptoms…
This is a band aid solution at best, and for many it isn’t enough.
Many of us who’ve experienced asthma know what it’s like to…
Miss out on sport and activities
Feel embarrassed that every time you laugh with friends you start coughing
Go out on your first date and have an asthma attack (totally embarassing!)
This free Oxygen Revolution webinar series will provide you with researched information from a registered naturopath about what treatment options are available from asthma and what you need to know to effectively manage your asthma naturally, and take your health into your own hands.
Who this webinar series is for:
Asthmatics who’ve tried mainstream treatments and want to explore what else is out there
Asthmatics who feel their asthma is a burden and it is negatively impacting other areas of life
Asthmatics who want to learn how to breathe better and treat their asthma naturally
People with asthma who are literally sick from the side effects from all the asthma medications they are on and want their health back!
What you’ll learn:
What contributes to asthma and what to avoid
How your body and lungs operate
How specific breathing patterns can improve lung function
How you can use natural remedies to reduce asthmatic symptoms
You’ll walk away with:
A clear understanding of the asthma condition, and how your body operates
Motivation to take charge of your health
Confidence to collaborate with health practitioners rather than be dependent on them
Knowledge, tools and resources to manage your asthma naturally and effectively
How you can reduce the severity of asthma attacks
Learn how to Effectively Manage Asthma & Take Charge of Your Health once and for all!
Register your details below for Instant Access to the Asthma Webinar Series
Hi, I’m Julia Rudakova, Naturopath, Functional Breathing Educator and Creator of Oxygen Revolution.
I started Oxygen Revolution in 2018 to specifically help people with asthma and other respiratory conditions.
I personally suffered from chronic bronchitis for many years since my late teenagehood. Through my own research and determination I overcame my health condition and later, when I qualified as a naturopath, I helped my younger son to beat asthma. I know from personal and professional experience that asthma is not a life sentence and if you understand the condition and remove emotional blocks, you can achieve a much better quality of life!
Now I help individuals with asthma, sleep apnoea and other respiratory issues to improve their lung function, re-program the brain to breathe better and form new healthy habits to achieve the best of health.