What is Modern Day Breathing?
The price we pay for our modern living.
Just recently, about a year ago, scientists created a 3D model of a Neanderthal rib cage. The discovery was that those primitive humans had larger lung capacity, a larger diaphragm and greater stability than modern man.
London scientists, separate to that experiment, found that Neanderthal’s nasal passages were nearly 30% larger than those of modern humans. Larger nasal passages mean that they were able to mover air through their nose at a higher rate, which helps to sustain a more active lifestyle (we seem to not need to run away from a predator or hunt for food on a daily basis).
While primitive man used to breathe horizontally, expanding thoracic area all around, modern man breathes vertically more often than not. Another acquired through evolution feature of “civilised man” is sleeping with an open mouth.
The Vicious Circle of Modern Living
In the whole history of humanity, it is only recently that humans started using auxiliary breathing muscles instead of the primary ones. Engagement of upper chest and shoulder/ neck muscles in breathing is responsible for vertical breathing pattern. But psychosomatically, it is the manifestation of tension, stress and frustration that one experiences in their life.
More sedentary life and the continuous stress of our modern existence creates dysfunctional breathing pattern, which, in its turn, feeds stress and fatigue, which prevents us from being more active. This is our vicious circle of modern life.
While most of us try to counteract sedentary living with workouts in the gym, stress reduction techniques, etc, it is only effective to a certain degree.
Why? Because if the foundation of health – the breathing pattern – is not addressed, you will feel like you’re dragging the next day after your workout. Constant muscle stress without proper deep recovery, which functional breathing provides, will get you into a permanent state of oxidative stress. This may manifest in a chronic condition of the weakest link in your body – could be skin, thyroid, digestive, reproductive, respiratory.
Learn how to manage your modern day breathing. Learning functional breathing is truly the best gift you can give to yourself.