What is Buteyko Breathing? The Buteyko breathing method is a set of exercises which help you to achieve better health. It was developed by a Russian medical doctor Konstantin Buteyko in the late 1950s. As a severe hypertension sufferer, he started to observe his own...
What is Modern Day Breathing? The price we pay for our modern living. Just recently, about a year ago, scientists created a 3D model of a Neanderthal rib cage. The discovery was that those primitive humans had larger lung capacity, a larger diaphragm and greater...
Breathing is a fascinating process. It is automatic, but we can also control it. But can you actually retrain your brain to breathe better? The answer is YES. Re-train Your Brain To Breathe Better Astrocytes (from Latin “astra” – star) are...
Breathing To Lower Blood Pressure The rate of respiration (how many breaths per minute you do) is well known to affect blood pressure. With high blood pressure affecting so many in our modern lives, let’s talk about breathing for lower blood pressure. A study...
What is Lateral Breathing? A big emphasis is made on lateral breathing in my Functional Breathing Program. What is it and why is it important? With any respiratory issue, the breathing pattern would shift, to some degree, from functional diaphragmatic breathing to...
There is a school of thought very close to my heart, which says that our health and well-being builds from the middle. It is from the midline that all our muscles, organs, and tissues align and work in synergy for the greater good. And a big part of that involves the...