Who do you listen to? When you embark on a health/ self-development journey (the two go hand-in-hand), you are confronted with so much information, often contradictory, that it becomes disheartening, confusing and the feelings of being lost, discouraged and uninspired...
In the modern conventional medical guidelines the “gold standard” treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. And it is erroneously called “treatment”, when in reality, it does not treat the condition at all. It...
Since 2020 there is probably not a person left who hasn’t heard about quercetin and its benefits in fighting viral infections. Before that it had been used as a natural anti-histamine to alleviate allergic reactions. What is quercetin? Quercetin is a pigment that adds...
My younger son blew my mind tonight during our chat before going to bed. We were talking about our earliest memories. He was frustrated that he didn’t remember much from his first 3-4 years. I often tell him stories about those days and how awesome he was as a...
Are you looking for a health solution? What is the first thing that your search? A product, which might alleviate your symptoms? A practitioner, who is knowledgeable and experienced? Are you searching for a diagnosis? This article explores the option of championing...